Increasing productivity will help achieve better goals.
Productivity Improve your focus.
The level of productivity is the most.
Raising Productivity allows people to get more in the same amount of time.
Productivity help in achieving the work-life balance, which is essential for overall success & well-being.
Silent Killers for Productivity
Several things can be taking up too much of your time. At the office or even in Your personal life.
This thing can quickly be taken Away then your Productivity. Many people fail to Realise just How much even the most minor thing can have a massive impact on their productivity.
These activities not only delay the important project but will also leave you stressed, overwhelmed, and exhausted. And be also Looked upon as a performer or a bad candidate.
#1 Fear
People have different kinds of Fear.
Managed by fear, people miss an opportunity
Fear limits creative thinking.
Fear Creates Doubts
Fear hides the root causes
Fear creates confusion and lower motivation
How to Deal with Fear – The Action Plan
Be aware and catch it early
Confront your fears
Ask yourself if the story that you are telling yourself is even true
Make a Commitment
It is a Cycle
Action Create Success and success with create confidence
Manage your own expectations
Give and Receive Feedback – Both Positive and Negative
Be ready to make mistakes
Be fair and demonstrate integrity
Act Fearless
The Trial & error mechanism is a natural way of getting things done
Measure your progressand correct what does not work or goes wrong
A little fear can keep you motivated, but an uncontrolled fear will kill your productivity
Seek Help
#2 Relying Too Much on Memory
Human Memory is Unreliable
Missing our important Tasks
Emotion Plays a Part
The Action Plan
Create To-do List
Rely on only one system
#3 Smartphone/Scrolling
Highly Addictive
Effect Psychological Health
Unproductive time
The Action Plan
Track Usages and reduce your online time
Turn off the phone for certain periods
No phone on the bed
Disable Notification
Remove apps that take time
Change your focus
Meet friends offline
Go on social media sabbatical
Digital Detox Day – DDD
#3 Lack of Planning
Working without planning is an excellent way to waste your time.
It doesn’t mean that you don’t plan at all. It just means you’re forced to plan while you’re working.
Wasting time and energyunnecessary and hen doing the same work all over again